Source code for nti.schema.fieldproperty

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Computed attributes based on schema fields.


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

# stdlib imports
import sys

from Acquisition import aq_base
from Acquisition.interfaces import IAcquirer
from zope.schema import interfaces as sch_interfaces
from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldPropertyStoredThroughField
from zope.schema.fieldproperty import createFieldProperties

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

[docs]class AcquisitionFieldProperty(FieldProperty): """ A field property that supports acquisition. Returned objects will be ``__of__`` the instance, and set objects will always be the unwrapped base. """ def __get__(self, instance, klass): result = super(AcquisitionFieldProperty, self).__get__(instance, klass) if instance is not None and IAcquirer.providedBy(result): # even defaults get wrapped result = result.__of__(instance) return result def __set__(self, instance, value): super(AcquisitionFieldProperty, self).__set__(instance, aq_base(value))
[docs]class UnicodeConvertingFieldProperty(FieldProperty): """ Accepts bytes input for the unicode property if it can be decoded as UTF-8. This is primarily to support legacy test cases and should be removed when all constants are unicode. """ def __set__(self, inst, value): if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode('utf-8') super(UnicodeConvertingFieldProperty, self).__set__(inst, value)
def _find_schema_from_field(field): if not sch_interfaces.IObject.providedBy(field) and not hasattr(field, 'schema'): raise sch_interfaces.WrongType("Don't know how to get schema from %s" % field) return field.schema def _make_adapter_set(klass): def __set__(self, inst, value): try: super(klass, self).__set__(inst, value) except sch_interfaces.SchemaNotProvided: try: value = self.schema(value) except TypeError: # Let's raise the better error when we call again pass super(klass, self).__set__(inst, value) return __set__
[docs]class AdaptingFieldProperty(FieldProperty): """ Primarily for legacy support and testing, adds adaptation to an interface when setting a field. This is most useful when the values are simple literals like strings. """ def __init__(self, field, name=None): self.schema = _find_schema_from_field(field) super(AdaptingFieldProperty, self).__init__(field, name=name)
AdaptingFieldProperty.__set__ = _make_adapter_set(AdaptingFieldProperty)
[docs]class AdaptingFieldPropertyStoredThroughField(FieldPropertyStoredThroughField): """ Primarily for legacy support and testing, adds adaptation to an interface when setting a field. This is most useful when the values are simple literals like strings. """ def __init__(self, field, name=None): self.schema = _find_schema_from_field(field) super(AdaptingFieldPropertyStoredThroughField, self).__init__(field, name=name)
AdaptingFieldPropertyStoredThroughField.__set__ = _make_adapter_set( AdaptingFieldPropertyStoredThroughField)
[docs]def createDirectFieldProperties(__schema, omit=(), adapting=False): """ Like :func:`zope.schema.fieldproperty.createFieldProperties`, except only creates properties for fields directly contained within the given schema; inherited fields from parent interfaces are assummed to be implemented in a base class of the current class:: >>> from zope import interface >>> from nti.schema.field import TextLine, Object >>> class IA(interface.Interface): ... a = TextLine(title=u"a") >>> class IB(IA): ... b = Object(interface.Interface) >>> class A(object): ... createFieldProperties(IA) >>> class B(object): ... createDirectFieldProperties(IB, adapting=True) >>> 'a' in A.__dict__ True >>> 'a' in B.__dict__ False >>> 'b' in B.__dict__ True :keyword adapting: If set to ``True`` (not the default), fields that implement :class:`.IObject` will use an :class:`AdaptingFieldProperty`. """ __my_names = set(__schema.names()) __all_names = set(__schema.names(all=True)) __not_my_names = __all_names - __my_names __not_my_names.update(omit) # The existing implementation relies on getframe(1) to find the caller, # which is us. So we do the same and copy to the real caller __frame = None __before = None __before = list(locals().keys()) createFieldProperties(__schema, omit=__not_my_names) __frame = sys._getframe(1) # pylint:disable=protected-access for k, v in list(locals().items()): if k not in __before: if adapting and sch_interfaces.IObject.providedBy(__schema[k]): v = AdaptingFieldProperty(__schema[k]) __frame.f_locals[k] = v
[docs]def field_name(field): """ Produce a clean version of a field's name. The :class:`zope.schema.fieldproperty.FieldPropertyStoredThroughField` class mangles the field name, making it difficult to trace fields back to their intended attribute name. This undoes that mangling if possible. The field in an interface has a normal name:: >>> from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldPropertyStoredThroughField >>> from zope.schema import Field >>> from zope import interface >>> class IA(interface.Interface): ... a = Field() >>> IA['a'].__name__ 'a' The field as stored by a ``FieldProperty`` has a normal name:: >>> from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty >>> class A(object): ... createFieldProperties(IA) >>> A.a.__name__ 'a' But using a ``FieldPropertyStoredThroughField`` mangles the name (whether accessed through the ``FieldPropertyStoredThroughField`` or directly):: >>> from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldPropertyStoredThroughField >>> class A2(object): ... a = FieldPropertyStoredThroughField(IA['a']) >>> A2.a.__name__ '__st_a_st' >>> A2.a.field.__name__ '__st_a_st' This function demangles the name (whether accessed through the ``FieldPropertyStoredThroughField`` or directly):: >>> from nti.schema.fieldproperty import field_name >>> field_name(A2.a) 'a' >>> field_name(A2.a.field) 'a' Without damaging the names of regular fields or regular ``FieldProperty`` fields:: >>> field_name(IA['a']) 'a' >>> field_name(A.a) 'a' .. versionadded:: 1.10.0 """ if field.__name__ and field.__name__.startswith('__st_') and field.__name__.endswith('_st'): return field.__name__[5:-3] return field.__name__